Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Professor Griffin has asked us to reflect over the past semeseter and share one thing that we have learned from this class. Of course I have learned alot of things like what ad agencies do and what goes into making an ad but those are not the most important things I learned. The most important thing I learned from this class is that I really and truly do want to pursue a career in advertising, and I think that is much more important than anything else from the class. Before going into Intro to Creativity I wasn't quite sure that this is what I wanted to do. I knew it interested me, but I wasn't sure of the staying power of that interest. This class has shown me that this is quite possibly something I could do for the rest of my life. Also thanks to this class I am scared out of my mind to do it, but I realize that being a little scared is a good thing. I know it will require a lot of work, but I am excited for the challenge.

Stuffed Animal

I will be the first to admit it, I am a huge fan of still being a child at heart. But, some things are just a little wierd to me. Since coming to college I have been faced with the unsettling fact that people still bring their stuffed animals to live with them. Do people think that this is ok? I realize that to some people it is a security blanket, but I mean really? How old are you? I think it's time that we move on from the old stuffed animal. I mean do you still suck your thumb? That's the equivalent. My advice is that you can keep the stuffed animal with you, just place it somewhere where it won't be seen. Throw it at the top of your closet, I don't care. Just don't get caught with it out in the open.

Guns in school?

The biggest controversy lately is the argument on whether students should be allowed to carry a concealed gun onto school property. Is it just me or is this an awful idea? How could anyone think this is a good idea? I understand wanting to protect students from another attack, but why not just give teachers the right to carry? Carrying guns around at school can lead to nothing other than more violence. What about gang infested schools? I grew up in somewhat "ghetto" schools where it was perfectly natural to see a humongous fight erupt in the middle of the cafeteria. How much would that scene change if we were allowed guns on campus? There are eighteen year olds in high school,and they cannot make rational decisions with anger clouding their judgement. I know that we need to find a solution to protect our students from any further attacks, but this is not it. It's the equivalent of letting people carry concealed weapons on a plane. How are we to know whether or not even the slightest fight can spark a shooting spree? And what about the kid at school who is always picked on and beat up? I'm sure he would have no problem carrying a gun around all day. This leaves the other students in fear of retaliation. I agree that we need a solution, but this is just not it.

See what your love

While surfing the website Ads of the world I found a ad I really like for Lenscrafters. This is the sort of ad I really enjoy, short and sweet. It's too the point and I remember it. It makes an indelible impression on me because it catches my curiousity at the beginning. Let me know your thoughts on it!

Duck and Cover

I was recently listening to Ryan Seacrest's radio show while he was interviewing the country music star Carrie Underwood. During the interview he talked about something he referred to as the "ducking" incident. Carrie then commented on how she laid low after the incident and has really talked to anyone about it yet. Which left me thinking...what the heck are they talking about? Obviously it was an embarassing video of Carrie Underwood, but why hadn't I heard of it? I went home and youtubed "Carrie Underwood ducking" and found this hilarious clip:

If you haven't seen it, it is a clip from a hockey game that Carrie Underwood's boyfriend is playing in. The camera eventually finds her in a box suite and announces to the crowd that she is on camera. Carrie, hearing her name, turns around. As soon as the sees her face on the screen she ducks. It's actually pretty hilarious because she didn't just duck, it seems as though she is diving for her life. How in the world had I not heard about this video? I know it's not breaking news, but it's hilarious! I guess it just goes to show that celebrities can atleast do some damage control on their own by just laying low.

Rain, Rain, Go Away?

What is it about rain that makes people so absolutely miserable? Just the sight of a rain cloud can ruin someone's day. I'm quite the opposite. I love rain. Don't get me wrong, if I have somewhere important to be and I don't have an umbrella it can be quite frustrating. But all in all, I love the rain. I could just sit outside in it. There is something so freeing about it. Just standing outside, arms wide open, getting drenched is an amazing feeling to have. I guess people have just been groomed to automatically sigh at the site of a rain cloud. But what happened to the fun we used to have in the rain when we were kids? Why do people let the creativity and childishness of their younger years fade? I haven't and that has made all of the difference in the world. So if you see someone dancing in the rain during the next storm don't be alarmed. You're welcome to join.

Reality Shows

What is it with the onslaught of reality tv shows? It seems that America is so obsessed with reality tv that there is a show for just about everything. Just right now my roommate is watching a tv show based entirely on the lives of New York housewives. I can overhear the women getting into a catfight over a game of tennis. When does it stop? What is the obsession? Is it an interest in a life more exciting than out own? Could it possibly be a voyeouristic pleasure for us? Why is it that a tv show about nothing important can garner such high viewership? And will we soon grow tired of these kinds of reality shows like we have with Survivor? It used to be the most watched show but is now merely an afterthought for anyone. Are the different reality shows just a passing craze? To be honest with you I won't mind if most reality shows disappear from tv. Maybe it will create an incentive for people to go out and live their own reality for once.